The ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is a premier international symposium for the presentation of new research results, systems, and techniques among researchers and developers on augmented, virtual and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR, XR for short) software and technology.

VRST brings together the main international research groups working on XR, along with many of the world’s leading companies that provide or utilize XR systems. VRST 2022 will be held in Tsukuba, Japan, from Wednesday, Nov. 29th to Friday, Dec. 1st, 2022. The event is sponsored by ACM SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH.

Main Topics

VRST 2022 welcomes paper submissions relating (but not limited) to the following areas:

  • VR/AR/MR(=XR) technology and devices
  • Advanced display technologies and immersive simulations
  • Low-latency and high-performance XR
  • Multi-user and distributed XR
  • XR software infrastructures and authoring systems
  • User interaction and collaborative interaction techniques for XR
  • Input devices for XR
  • Tracking and sensing for XR
  • Multisensory and multimodal system for XR
  • Brain-computer interfaces for XR
  • Haptics, smell, and taste interfaces for XR
  • Audio and music processing for XR
  • Sound synthesis and sonification for XR
  • Computer vision and computer graphics for XR
  • Immersive analytics
  • Modeling and simulation techniques
  • Rendering techniques for XR
  • Avatars and virtual humans
  • Tele-operation and telepresence
  • Performance testing, user experience, and empirical studies
  • Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
  • Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition
  • Teleoperation and telepresence
  • Application of XR (e.g. training systems, medical systems, fabrication etc.)
  • Innovative HCI approaches in XR
  • Multi-disciplinary research projects involving innovative use of XR
  • XR System Contributions

Submission Information

Please use the ACM SIGCHI Conferences Submission System (PCS) to submit your work:

Submission Guidelines:

All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library in the VRST collection.

Paper Format:

Paper submissions (applied for Full papers and Short Papers) should be anonymous for a double-blind review process.  By contrast, Poster and Demo submissions do NOT have to be anonymous, and these submissions will be juried by committee members and receive light feedback (up to a few paragraphs in length). All submissions should be prepared using the Word or LaTeX templates from the official ACM Master article template packages and TAPS (see Authors should prepare their materials using numbered citations and references.
See the TAPS webpage for additional guidance on how content length corresponds to the page limits for the final version.

Submission lengths:

Full paper: Up to a maximum of 9 pages double column excluding references.
Short paper: Up to a maximum of 4 pages double column excluding references.
Poster / Demo: Up to a maximum of 2 pages double column including references.

Teaser Figures:

2-column "teaser" figures on the front page are encouraged, but not required for all submissions.

Review Submission Format:

The authors are strongly encouraged to submit the paper in double-column format using \documentclass[sigconf,anonymous,review]{acmart} command for authors using LaTeX because it is easier to estimate page numbers. We will accept papers for review in either 1- or 2- column paper format if you would like to write in Word because VRST has used the single format submission for the TAPS process of the last years. When using this option, the authors should carefully estimate the final paper’s length with the double-collum format.

Anonymity Guidelines:

For the initial submission, authors are asked to remove all author and institution information and remove any clues that would directly identify any of the authors (such as the name of the data collecting institution, ethical board/IRB institution names, or acknowledgments). Please anonymize your PDF file. Note that PDF creator programs may automatically include author information in the file metadata.

Citations of your own published work (including online) must be in the third person, in a manner that is not traceable to the identity of the authors. For example, the wording "in [3], Mountain and River have proposed..." is acceptable, whereas "in [3], we have proposed..." is not. (Where reference [3] is listed explicitly as "Mountain, A. and River, A., Detecting Mountains and Rivers, In Proc. XYZ '16, 721-741.")

Please note that failure to comply with the above requirements will result in an automatic desk rejection of the paper!

Contribution type:

We invite many types of research contributions, including interactive systems. However, evaluating systems that are built using existing techniques can be difficult.  For example, a system can be built using a known machine learning technique but it can enable entirely new functionality. In this case, reviewers will need to judge the novelty of the new functionality that the system enables without penalizing the work for leveraging an existing technique.

For reference, here’s a paper about evaluating interactive systems that reviewers and authors should both be familiar with:

James Fogarty (2017): Code and Contribution in Interactive Systems Research

We further accept studies that are replicating known findings in systematic fashion in order to underline or contradict previously found results

Consideration regarding the COVID-19 pandemic:

Conducting in-person user studies is still hard in the current situation. We also invite papers that do not include user studies but provide other types of appropriate validations to demonstrate their research contributions. However, there should be substantial argumentation that discusses the contribution, including its limitations.

Supplementary Materials:

Submissions may be (optionally) accompanied by additional materials such as images, videos, or electronic documents. These materials do not form a part of the official submission. They will be viewed only at the discretion of the reviewers. All content should be in a portable format that is unlikely to require the user to download additional programs. For example, you may prefer PDF or HTML for documents, PNG or JPEG for images, and QuickTime or MPEG for videos. The total file size for supplementary materials should not exceed a total of 50MB.

To the extent possible, accepted papers should stand on their own, with the additional material providing supplementary information or confirmation of results. It is, however, appropriate to refer to video footage in the paper.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

When designing and presenting user evaluations, please consider the following: User evaluations using non-representative or homogeneous participant populations can introduce biases in the results and conclusions. We recommend that researchers should strive to use samples that are representative of the population for which the technology is being designed. If representative samples are not possible to collect, we recommend that the limitations of the population studied should be discussed within the paper and care must be taken when making claims about the findings. We recommend that participant demographic information should be reported for user evaluations so that future researchers understand the results based on the population studied.


We ask authors to try to be as inclusive as possible when preparing a submission. For instance, please provide alt-text for figures and tables and make supplemental videos accessible with subtitles to enable us to facilitate accessible reviewing. We recommend that authors read the SIGCHI Guidelines for an Accessible Submission, as well as the SIGCHI Technical Requirements and Guidelines for Videos (especially the section of “What accessibility considerations should I pay attention to when recording my video?”), which describe the process of accessible video creation and captioning. If authors have difficulties with making their submissions accessible, they are encouraged to contact the VRST 2022 Accessibility Chairs by emailing


All standing ACM policies, including those on Prior Publication and Simultaneous Submissions, apply to VRST 2022.

Important Dates

- Abstracts due (title, abstract, author list) for Papers: July 25, 2022, 23:59 AoE (extended)

- Papers with all material submission deadline: July 29, 2022, 23:59 AoE (extended)

- Posters and demos submission deadline: August 22, 2022, 23:59 AoE

- Author notification papers: September 6, 2022

- Revised papers, and posters/demos recommended from paper track deadline: September 20, 2022 

- Final author notifications for all categories: September 27, 2022

- Camera-ready papers due (Papers, Posters & Demos): October 11, 2022

- Conference in Tsukuba, Japan + virtual (hybrid): Nov 29 - Dec 1, 2022


Program Chairs: papers(at)

Naoya Koizumi, The University of Electro-Communications
Haruka Matsukura, The University of Electro-Communications
Gerd Bruder, University of Central Florida
Daniel Roth, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Kazuki Takashima, Tohoku University

Poster/Demo Chairs: posters(at)

Takefumi Hiraki, University of Tsukuba
Yuki Ban, The University of Tokyo
Michal Piovarci, Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Accessibility Chairs: accessibility(at)

Makoto Kobayashi, ​​National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology
Tatsuki Fushimi, University of Tsukuba

*Please replace “(at)” with “@” when you send an email.