The main image of VRST2022

November 29 - December 1, 2022

Hybrid conference (Virtual/Tsukuba, Japan)

ACM VRST 2022 will be held as a hybrid conference in virtual and Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba is the largest research city in Japan, 45 minutes from Tokyo by train.


Best paper award

"Walk This Beam: Impact of Different Balance
Assistance Strategies and Height Exposure on Performance and Physiological Arousal in VR"
Dennis Dietz, Carl Oechsner, Changkun Ou, Francesco Chiossi, Fabio Sarto, Sven Mayer, Andreas Butz


Honorable Mention Award

"Standing Balance Improvement Using Vibrotactile Feedback in Virtual Reality"
M. Rasel Mahmud, Michael Stewart, Alberto Cordova, John Quarles


Best Poster Award

"The Effects of Gestural Filler in Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Conversation with a Digital Human"
Junyeong Kum and Myungho Lee


Best Demo Award

"Haptic Interaction Module for VR Fishing Leisure Activity"
Yong Hae Heo, Seongho Kim, Juwon Um, Gyubin An, and Sang-Youn Kim


Best In-Person Poster/Demo Award Voted by Attendees

"Exploring Vibration Intensity Map Of Hand Postures For Haptic Rendering In XR"
Youjin Sung, Yitian Shao, Rachel Kim, and Sang Ho Yoon


Best Remote Poster/Demo Award Voted by Attendees

"Data Abstraction for Visual and Haptic Representations in Flow Visualization"
Ayush Bhardwaj, Sungjoo Kang, and Jin Ryong Kim


Latest News

[1.Dec.2022] Congratulations! Six awarded papers were selected at the ACM VRST 2022 conference.


Photo of Dr. Pedro Lopes
29th Nov. 16:10 (JST)

Integrating interactive devices with the user’s body

Pedro Lopes
The University of Chicago

Photo of Mr. Naoto Kato
Joint Keynote with ICAT-EGVE 2022
1st Dec. 10:00 (JST)

The present state and future of the metaverse as seen through the development of “Cluster”

Naoto Kato
CEO, Cluster, Inc.

Photo of Mr. Daito Manabe
Joint Keynote with ICAT-EGVE 2022
1st Dec. 17:00 (JST)

Rhizomatiks Behind The Scenes

Daito Manabe

Artist / DJ, Rhizomatiks


July 25, 2022, 23:59 AoE Abstracts due (title, abstract, author list) for Papers (extended)

July 29, 2022, 23:59 AoE Papers deadline with all material submission (extended)

August 22, 2022, 23:59 AoE Posters and demos submission deadline

September 6, 2022, 23:59 AoE Author notification papers, posters and demos

September 20, 2022, 23:59 AoE Revised papers, and posters/demos recommended from paper track deadline

September 27, 2022, 23:59 AoE Final author notifications for all categories

October 11, 2022, 23:59 AoE Camera-ready papers due (Papers, Posters & Demos)

November 29 - December 1, 2022 Virtual conference + Local venue in Tsukuba, Japan


Logo image of Cluster.Co.


Logo image of Virtual Window Co.


Logo image of Polyphony Digital Co.
Logo image of enhance Co.