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November 1 - 3, 2006, Amathus Beach Hotel, Limassol, Cyprus

Conference Organisation

Conference Chairs

Program Chairs

Organising Chair

Short Paper Chair


Important Dates
  • Full paper submission deadline May 22, 2006
  • Short & Special session paper submission deadline June 19, 2006
  • Full, Short & Special session notification of acceptance July 17, 2006
  • All camera-ready papers due August 21, 2006

Sponsored by ACM SIGCHI


ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST) is an annual conference devoted to the technical aspects of virtual reality. The first VRST was held in Singapore in 1994 and since then it has been held in Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Taiwan, England, Korea, Canada and the US. This will be the thirteenth VRST annual conference to be held in Limassol, Cyprus.

The conference will take place in Cyprus 1st-3rd of November 2006 at the Amathus beach hotel in Limassol, Cyprus.


Symposium Dinner Program


17.30 Departure from Hotel. Drive through Phasouri to Omodhos village

18.40 Arrival at Omodhos village.

        Short visit at the village

19.40 Departure to Lofou village

20.15 Arrival at Lofou for Cyprus Night

20.30 Meze dinner, 1/2 bottle of wine-water

         Live music and dance

22.45 Departure for Limassol

23.25 Arrival at the hotels

Three tutorials will take place at the conference, one on Thursday and two on Friday 3rd November during the conference. These are:

  • VR and the brain

    Speaker: Doron Friedman

    UCL UK

  • Building a Complete Virtual Reality Application

    Speaker: Franco Tecchia

    PERCRO - Scuola Superiore S.Anna, Italy

  • Virtual Reality Systems and Applications
    Speakers: A. Gaitatzes, G. Papaioannou and D. Christopoulos
    Foundation of the Hellenic World, Greece

Two special sessions:

About Cyprus

Cyprus is a small island, located in the eastern Mediterranean, between the continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It covers an area  of  2571  square miles and has a population of  736,000.

Cyprus became independent in 1960, but in 1974 a Turkish invasion forced the

population to move to the south part of the island leaving 36% of the land occupied by Turkish forces.

Although Cyprus was initially an agricultural country with almost 50% of the population working on the land, today only 20% is engaged in agriculture.

The textile, tobacco and foodstuffs industry, and building and civil engineering, form a large part of the country�s economy. The major sector of the Cyprus industry is the services sector, with 40% of the working population occupied in this industry. Tourism and banking are two of the leading areas.

Cyprus is a full member of the European Union. more...
Cyprus Links

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