Paper Submission


To submit a paper, please email us a winzip (or a tar) file containing all the relevant files for submission. This winzip file must include:
  • A PDF formatted file of the paper with author names and affiliations removed.
  • A submission form that contains the authors' information and the key areas of the paper.
The winzip file may also include video demos. However, please try to limit the size of the winzip file to no more than 20MB.

The steps for submitting a paper are:
  1. After you have written your paper, remove the author names and affiliations from your paper.
  2. Generate a PDF file of the paper.
  3. Download the submission form and fill in the detail.
  4. Create a winzip file that contains the PDF paper, the submission form and, if any, the video demos.
  5. For full paper submission, please email the winzip file to with the email header set to "Full paper submission (ACM VRST 2005)".

  6. For short paper submission, please email the winzip file to with the email header set to "Short paper submission (ACM VRST 2005)".
Please send emails to Rudy Darken for questions regarding to full paper submissions and to Ernst Kruijff for questions regarding to short paper submissions.

Please note that the full paper submission deadline is May 2, 2005 and the short paper submission deadline is June 16, 2005 (extended).



Naval Postgraduate School

Copyright (C) 2005 VRST Committee. All right reserved.