ACM Symposium on
Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2002

November 11-13, 2002
Hong Kong, China


Information for Authors

A paper should be in English and its length should not exceed 5000 words or 20 double-spaced pages. All papers will be reviewed by an international program committee.

A paper should be submitted by email in Postscript or PDF format. All papers will be reviewed and processed electronically. The cover page of a paper should include a title, an abstract, keywords and phrases, authors' names, affiliations, plus a contact author's email address, mailing address, phone number, and fax number. The information on the cover page must also be submitted by email in a plain text file. Send the paper by email to

by June 10, 2002. Submissions will be acknowledged within seven days.

Video tapes must be in NTSC format. Items that cannot be submitted by email, such as video tapes (or CDROM) and color photos, should be sent in five copies by mail to

Prof. Hanqiu Sun
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong

These submissions by mail must be received by June 10, 2002.

Inquiries about VRST 2002 should be addressed to

Journal Selection

The best paper(s) relevant to Web Graphics may be invited to submit a full paper to the special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications.