Committee | Registration | CFP | CFP 2002 | Banff
Advance Program | Papers | Author Kit

Call for Papers

VRST 2001 will be held on Nov. 15-17, 2001, in Banff Center in the middle of the Canadian Rockie. The Banff Centre provides a range of accommodations and has excellent conference facilities. Banff National Park is a major tourist destination, so plan to stay 
an extra day or two to take in all of the sites.

VRST is a primary annual international conference on recent research and development of virtual reality. The conference proceedings are published by ACM Press. The first VRST was held in Singapore in 1994 and since then it has been held in Japan (1995), Hong Kong (1996), Switzerland (1997), Taiwan (1998), England (1999), and Korea (2000).

VRST 2001 solicits high quality papers containing original research results in all aspects of virtual reality and related areas. The conference themes include but are not limited to

  • Applications of Virtual Reality
  • Augmented / Mixed Reality
  • Collaborative VEs and Networked VEs
  • Graphics Algorithms
  • Haptics
  • Hardware Devices
  • Human Factors
  • Interaction Techniques and Devices
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Real-Time Rendering
  • VR System Architecture

Information for Authors

A paper should be in English and its length should not exceed 5000 words or 20 double-spaced pages. All papers will be reviewed by an international program committee. 

A paper should be submitted by email in Postscript or PDF format. All papers will be reviewed and processed electronically. The cover page of a paper should include a title, an abstract, keywords and phrases, authors' names, affiliations, plus a contact author's email address, mailing address, phone number, and fax number. The information on the cover page must also be submitted by email in a plain text file. Send the paper by email to

by May 30, 2001. Submissions will be acknowledged within seven days.

Video tapes must be in NTSC format. Items that cannot be submitted by email, such as video tapes and color photos, should be sent in five copies by mail to

Chris Shaw 
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center 
College of Computing 
Georgia Institute of Technology 
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280, USA 

These submissions by mail must be received by May 30, 2001.

Important Dates

Full paper submission:  May 30, 2001
Notification of acceptance:  July 30, 2001
Camera-ready copy due:  August 20, 2001
Three days of conference:  Nov. 15-17, 2001

Interested contributors are advised to check for updated conference information in VRST 2001 webpage Inquiries about VRST 2001 should be addressed to

CFP for ACM VRST2002

Interested contributors are advised to read this leavelet or check for updated information in VRST 2002 webpage